White Cloud

Blossom has been a ‘Direct Voice’ channeller for the Native American Indian Spirit ‘White Cloud’ for almost 20 years. His compassion for humanity through his messages allows the soul to thrive.

How Blossom Began Channelling For White Cloud
For seventeen years I had been suffering with a peculiar ailment which doctors could put a name to. I saw all kinds of medical whizzes, underwent numerous tests for epilepsy, brain scans, pills and still nobody could find the answer. I seemed to be experiencing some form of ‘fit’, where I would have a series of build-up symptoms, followed inevitably by collapsing into a sort of semi coma which could last anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. During a ‘reading’ with a gifted clairvoyant friend, White Cloud appeared and I was able to ask him questions. So naturally I asked about my ‘fits’. Apparently I would get a build-up of healing Energy and because it was not being used consistently, it would reach a peak of explosion and conk me out. When I was in the collapsed state, I was aware of everything that was going on; I just couldn’t open my eyes or move, to let everybody know I was fine. Later, White Cloud told me I was being re-wired in order to channel ‘Other Beings’.
In the summer of ’99, once again I was suffering with this mystery. The same clairvoyant friend was staying with us and White Cloud kept appearing to her. He was opening and shutting his mouth and was becoming frustrated because he could not be heard. He asked her to ask me if I would get an exercise book and a pen and he would be able to put his words down on paper, through me! By this time in my life, things of this nature were no longer bizarre and so I did as I was asked, feeling rather excited. No sooner had I opened the book and picked up the pen, words came flooding into my head. He told me he would like me to start a group, named the people he would like to attend, (if they wished) and, if ok with me, he would use me use as his channel and actually speak through me. Apparently we had agreed to do this many moons ago. Yet, I was free to change my mind if I chose.
Now I had seen people channel before, but I can honestly say, it had never crossed my mind that I might be doing it. A strong feeling of trust and that this was all meant to be enabled me to continue contact with this intriguing new friend. The notebook filled with words of wisdom and encouragement leading up to our first meeting.’ As requested we taped the meetings, which were held on a weekly basis. I was told the words recorded would become a book and that I was going to write it. (Correct!)
I have been working with White Cloud for over nineteen years now and Love him deeply, as do the souls who have taken the time to listen to him speak. He has so much Love, Compassion, Wisdom and Truth to share I feel honoured to be part of his work.
My work with White Cloud has expanded beyond recognition over the years. I Trust if you have been guided to this site you find wisdom and strength from a wise and loving Native American spirit named White Cloud, and a middle aged woman who is happy to get his message across on this side of the veil. As for my illness … It disappeared the day I began writing in that little exercise book!
Chat & Channel Videos
White Cloud & Blossom
White Cloud & Blossom . Dec 31st 2021 For information on THE GAME CHANGER PROJECT please go to http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/ Donations are so very welcomed. Thank you http://PayPal.Me/RainbowLight444
White Cloud & Blossom Chillin’
WHITE CLOUD and BLOSSOM CHILLIN'. DEC 2021 Your Donations Received are such a Blessing. Many thanks!http://PayPal.Me/RainbowLight444
For a Good Man… Goody
For a good good man ... Goody. Your Donations Received are such a Blessing. Many thanks!http://PayPal.Me/RainbowLight444
Blossom and White Cloud Out & About
The Event
BLOSSOM TALKS ABOUT THE EVENTFollowed by a guided meditation for New Earth and Healing the Planet from White Cloud. "I share my thoughts, to begin with ... and then follows a BEAUTIFUL GUIDED MEDITATION from WHITE CLOUD with live music accompaniment. It is over an...
The Game Changer Project
THE GAME CHANGER PROJECT"Dec 3rd Chat and Channel with White Cloud. I am sure you will enjoy it. I chat a little about my 'Game Changer Project' that I will get to you 'in full' sometime in the new year, yet you can get an idea here. White Cloud elaborates and...
White Cloud Speaks in his Native Tongue
A CHAT & A CHANNEL WITH BLOSSOM & WHITE CLOUD"He was asked to speak in his Native tongue and .... he did ... Very moving!"
Channelling White Cloud 2010
Blossom Goodchild channels White Cloud and 'Joy' in Australia"White Cloud battles through the sound of rain and thunder to speak to his audience! An 'Energy of JOY' comes through to speak, which White Cloud talks about at the end. Yes .... I KNOW when 'JOY' speaks, my...
Blossom Goodchild channels White Cloud in Australia"White Cloud and I in this set of videos allow another 'Light Being ' to come through and speak. As White Cloud explains afterwards, you decide if this is your Truth or not. I know it is mine... It has to be ......
Blossom Goodchild channels White Cloud in Cooroy, Australia"White Cloud talks about the energies of 10-10-10; Light Orbs, Unborn souls and much more ... not forgetting of course ... LOVE!" PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4
Meditations & Messages
March 2021
A beautiful strengthening meditation from White Cloud for these times.
How powerful, if we were to build on this every day and spread it around so more can unite.
12 minute Direct Voice guided meditation from WHITE CLOUD, channelled by Blossom Goodchild.
45 minute Direct Voice guided meditation from WHITE CLOUD, channelled by Blossom Goodchild.
White Cloud offers a beautiful and moving message to encourage and uplift. “Enjoy these words from my beautiful friend White Cloud and allow his energy to penetrate deep inside your soul. Happy Easter. 2017.”
A White Cloud meditation taking us on a beautiful journey, including ‘The Divine Source Energy’ speaking, and a physical body healing. “Allow White Cloud to take you to a place of Peace and then be wrapped in Love as The Divine Source speaks to your soul. Then gently leads you to a healing of your physical body. Give yourself 40 mins … You will feel so revived.”
Books & Meditations
Walking in the Light and the Love
AU$14.99 -
The Spirit of White Cloud
AU$24.99 -
A New Dawn
AU$24.99 -
Walking in the Light and the Love eBook
AU$6.99 -
The Spirit of White Cloud eBook
AU$9.99 -
A New Dawn eBook
AU$9.99 -
The White Cloud Trilogy
AU$49.99 -
The White Cloud Trilogy eBooks
Original price was: AU$26.97.AU$19.99Current price is: AU$19.99. -
eBook Pack
Original price was: AU$36.96.AU$24.99Current price is: AU$24.99. -
White Cloud Short Guided Meditations
AU$14.99 -
White Cloud Long Guided Meditations
Original price was: AU$74.95.AU$59.99Current price is: AU$59.99. -
White Cloud Long Guided Meditation 1
AU$14.99 -
White Cloud Long Guided Meditation 2
AU$14.99 -
White Cloud Long Guided Meditation 3
AU$14.99 -
White Cloud Long Guided Meditation 4
AU$14.99 -
White Cloud Long Guided Meditation 5
Get In Touch
For any information on Blossom and White Cloud, please feel free to get in touch.